About William Schwenn

The author is a North Carolina transplant from Wisconsin, graduating with a law degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1973.   Following brief periods in private law practice in Northern Virginia and a position with the Administrative Office of the United States Courts in Washington, DC, he was appointed in 1979 Clerk of the federal Bankruptcy Court in Greensboro, North Carolina, retiring in 2005. 

Throughout their forty-one year marriage, he and his wife have enjoyed the company of dogs.   When they ultimately built a house on rural acreage that was formerly farm land, they expanded their furry family to as many as seven dogs at one point, learning the incredibly intricate, imaginative and talented capabilities of dogs when allowed to live in a large, natural environment of woods and streams.   From that experience, the author wrote his first book (2009), Dogs of Meadowbrook.  

When the author and his wife moved with three dogs in retirement to a secluded mountain cove of twenty-five acres, their adventure with dogs continued to challenge their expectations of “normal life”, resulting in an unanticipated journey that took them to new understandings of heights and depths that special relationships with dogs can bring – and a second book (2014), Blackie – An Odyssey of Furry Hearts.

Also avid whitewater kayaking enthusiasts, the author and his wife admittedly maintain a lifestyle that solidly revolves around mutually rewarding activities with their furry partners.   With this background, it is hardly surprising that the author’s stories are told with abundant humor and keen insight into the minds and hearts of dogs, whose capacity for living fully “in the moment” is beautiful to watch, and wonderful to share.